Transportation entrepreneurs

No one truck or cargo container is right for every job. Different businesses require different kinds of equipment. Piako engineers understand industry’s demands and that’s why we design products and equip vehicles for each customer’s specific purposes. Considering a product’s entire lifecycle cost is as important as choosing the right cargo structure and accessories. Proper maintenance is another key to the long-lasting, dependable service of your fleet, and we take great pride in being able to offer our comprehensive service network to our customers.

In working with our customers, we have carefully selected accessories and components that are tough enough to withstand the North’s harsh winter conditions. Our customers need equipment that provides the optimal operational reliability, plus corrosion protection and temperature control. Whether you need protection for cargo containers, loader cranes, tailgate lifts, or demountable trailers, you can count on Piako utilizing only the best products available.

Piako sales

Linnatie 10,
76850 Naarajärvi
0207 419 200

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